Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011

Relationship of Elisha and Marion

At first I believed the relationship of Elisha and Marion was closer than it actually is. Elisha tells her sister and her father about her relationship to Jeremiah, but her mother does not get to know about it. Marion’s frustration can be seen when Elisha supposes Anne might have told her about Jeremiah: “Marion gave me a puzzled look. “To call her – what – do you think she is going to tell me what it’s all about. Does anyone tell me anything about anything” (p.121). Marion would like her daughter to talk to her and be close to her, but Elisha tries to keep her at a distance (p.122). Though Elisha knows that she hurts her mother (p.122), she does not want to share her thoughts. I suppose this is due to her mother leaving two times, as it showed Elisha that she cannot rely on her. Moreover, Marion showed with her disapproving reaction in the second chapter that she does not believe it is appropriate for her daughter to have a boyfriend at this age. So Elisha avoids a confrontation by not telling her mother about Jeremiah.

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